Join us this year on the 25th of June for Willingale Summer Village Faye
See here for more details
Willingale Village Fayre
Willingale summer Village Fayre or Day, as it was known, until 2017, is the event that unites the Church, the Village Hall, the Sports and Social Club and the Cricket Club. The earliest record that we have for a Willingale Fete, thanks to the Village Archive is for 1928 and it has survived the test of time.
It is an annual event, which is held on the field that is home to the Cricket pitch. The organisations work together to produce a day that attracts everyone in the Village and many visitors who often travel long distances.
What happens on Village Day?
There have been changes since 1928 when it was held on a Wednesday in the Rectory Grounds, starting at 3pm, continuing into the evening. Now it is always held on the last Saturday in June.
However many of the events have survived, with stalls that sell anything from cakes to plants, a traditional tombola stall and traditional crafts. There are games where children and adults can test their skills with balls and hoops or try and win a coconut along with a raffle and for the second year running, the newly introduced Dog show.
People love to come to sit with family and friends and have some barbecued food, an English High Tea or Strawberries and Champagne. Although for some the Cricket Club bar is the place to be where they can shout support for those competing in the different games, musical interludes and the dancing shows that take place throughout the afternoon.
How can you support Village Fayre?
It involves several months of planning and preparations leading up to the day of the Fayre. Then there is the long day on the field in all weather conditions.
Volunteers are central to the Fayre. They run stalls, provide catering, manage the games, organize dancing displays, prepare signage erect the marquees, gazebos and set up tables.
We appreciate our volunteers who make the Fayre possible. However, we are always looking for volunteers to help with the planning and on the day. If you want to help or have new ideas that you would like to take forward please contact Val Thomas on 07884 183374 or