Family Service

St. Christopher's Church

Please join us for a family service led by Jane and Peter 9.30am. All families welcome and children are invited to take part in activities throughout the service in the North Isle. Refreshments served afterwards in the North Isle.

A Concert in St Christopher’s by The Songbirds

St. Christopher’s Church

    We are delighted to invite you to a concert by The Songbirds. To be held in St Christopher's on Sunday 12th June @2.30 pm. Tickets are £10, which include refreshments, and can be obtained from Jane Cass 01277 896238 or 07900592267. We look forward to seeing you.


Family Service

Please join us for a family service led by Jane and Peter 9.30am. All families welcome and children are invited to take part in activities throughout the service in the North Isle. Refreshments served afterwards in the North Isle.